
Unless stated, all meetings will be held at The Rowing Club, Hereford, starting promptly at 7.30pm.
To view the meeting location, click here.

[ Show Old Meetings ]
05/12/2024 Seasonal in-House Tasting
Usually some strange thing concocted by the President, but we won't hold that against him, as it usually good fun, and a mince pie always goes down well too.

07/11/2024 Antony Davis - Mentzendorff
November if Mentzendorff, and we look forward to something new from their extensive portfolio.

03/10/2024 Emmanuel - Vintage Roots
Traditionally Emmanuel gives us a splendid tasting in October. Details of the exact nature of the tasting will be updated in due course.

05/09/2024 September 2024 Tasting - In-House Tasting
As September can be a peculiar month as we shake off the Summer Break, and also it is just before our trip abroad to Tarragona, then the flexibility of an in-house tasting seemed to make sense. We have a number of wines in stock for this purpose, so we will leave Brian to see what we have.