
Unless stated, all meetings will be held at The Rowing Club, Hereford, starting promptly at 7.30pm.
To view the meeting location, click here.

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05/12/2024 Seasonal in-House Tasting
Usually some strange thing concocted by the President, but we won't hold that against him, as it usually good fun, and a mince pie always goes down well too.

07/11/2024 Antony Davis - Mentzendorff
November if Mentzendorff, and we look forward to something new from their extensive portfolio.

03/10/2024 Emmanuel - Vintage Roots
Traditionally Emmanuel gives us a splendid tasting in October. Details of the exact nature of the tasting will be updated in due course.

05/09/2024 September 2024 Tasting - In-House Tasting
As September can be a peculiar month as we shake off the Summer Break, and also it is just before our trip abroad to Tarragona, then the flexibility of an in-house tasting seemed to make sense. We have a number of wines in stock for this purpose, so we will leave Brian to see what we have.

19/07/2024 Summer Party 2024 - Aylestone Hill, Hereford
The Summer Party this year will be at the home of Ian and Linda Peberdy on Aylestone Hill. You should have had your emails and booking information about this by now, but please contact the Secretary ASAP if you wold like to attend. Numbers are nearly at full capacity.

06/06/2024 James Leach - ABS Wine Agencies
ABS have been importing distinctive regional wines from around the world for the last 30 years. Some of our previous presenters have and do work for ABS, including Richard Volpi and Carl Rostrup. James is the regional account manager covering the South West. We will put together the wine selection next year, but in the meantime their website is worth a look -

02/05/2024 Sam Sandbach - Ledbury Wine Cellar
For those who want a bit of history, Sam took over the Ledbury Wine Cellar business from Richard Milson over 10 years ago. After a chance meeting at a tasting in Ledbury, Sam has agreed to come along and give us the benefit of his experience, and interesting selection of wines.

04/04/2024 Simon Awdry - Liberty Wines Ltd
It's quite some time since Bruce Kendrick came to Hereford from Liberty's and showed us there excellent wine portfolio. Having met Simon, I'm sure he will do the same, and O for one can't wait until April.

07/03/2024 Andy Morris - Berkmann Wine Cellars
A log awaited return of Berkmann WC, and a great selection of wines to consider and put together for our tasting. Bring it on!

01/02/2024 AGM & Tasting
A necessary requirement to have the amiable AGM, usually followed by a committee led tasting. I did hear talk of a Pinot Noir tasting theme, but this needs a bit of fleshing out if it is to be a goer. More details to follow.....

19/01/2024 Annual Dinner - The Greenman, Fownhope
Everyone should have received there paperwork for this from Claire by now. If you have not seen anything yet, please contact Claire direct.

07/12/2023 Seasonal in-House Tasting
Having experimented with tapas with our wines in 2022, we will see what delights the committee can come up with for 2023.

02/11/2023 Antony Davis - Mentzendorff
With such an excellent portfolio of wines, we are never short of having something both different and interesting to taste from Mentzendorff.

05/10/2023 Emmanuel - Vintage Roots
One of our most enjoyable and informative presenters, we always look forward to having Emmanuel back from Vintage Roots.

07/09/2023 In House Tasting - Brian Joy - South Africa
Unfortunately Michele from Hay Wines has had to postpone, and it won't be until 2024 until we can reschedule his tasting. In the meantime Brian will put together a selection of top South African wines for us to enjoy.

14/07/2023 Summer Party 2023 - Fownhope
The 2023 Summer Party will be hosted by Mike and Julie in Fownhope. The theme this year will be Greek, and wines for the party have now been selected. Please reply to Claire M-J before the end of June.

01/06/2023 Robert Boutflower - Tanners
Robert is an excellent presenter, and Tanners have a formidable selection of wines to choose from. More details to follow in 2023.

04/05/2023 James Richard - Vin Neuf Wine Merchants, Stratford-Upon-Avon
It's a few years since James has done a tasting for us, so I'm sure we will enjoy whatever selection he comes up with.

06/04/2023 Majestic Wines - Ben & Gavin - "Off the beaten Path"
I am pleased to confirm that we have Ben and Gavin form our local Majestic store presenting a selection of their more popular and unusual wines.

02/03/2023 Richard Ballantyne MW - Italian Wine Selection
Richard has kindly offered to do another tasting for us, but this time with a few unusual wines thrown into the mix.

02/02/2023 EGM & AGM & Tasting
All information relating to the EGM & AGM will have been sent to all members by now. Following the AGM the committee will present a selection of carefully selected wines.

20/01/2023 Annual Dinner - The Greenman, Fownhope
We have always enjoyed our dinners at the Greenman, and after looking around, it still offers the best venue and cost for what we need. The Society has increased the member subsidy for this year, making the inevitable extra cost this year, to a minimal amount. The Secretary will be sending out your end of year paperwork and forms for you before the December meeting, so you will have time to book your seat and renew your subscriptions.

01/12/2022 Tasting presented by the Committee.
A presentation of a varied selection of wines, some from our own stock by a few members of the committee, but mostly by Brian! There will be some nibbles and tapas to go with some of the wines, some of which will be blind, and rounding off the evening with the obligatory mince pies. I do hope everyone can make this particular tasting, as it will be more informal than normal.

03/11/2022 Antony Davis - Mentzendorff
November is becoming the traditional month when we see what else there is in the vast Mentzendorff collection. Hopefully Antony, our new account manager, will be with us to present their wines.

06/10/2022 Tom Innis - Fingal-Rock Monmouth
Tom has been in the wine trade a long time, and always brings along an interesting selection of wines, usually from vineyards he's personally visited. When I have more details of Tom's selection, I'll update the information.

01/09/2022 Emmanuel - Vintage Roots - A Finer Selection!
Please note we have moved to the first Thursday this month, largely because of the trip the following week, and also because we are now not reliant on the school calendar. Emmanuel is signed up to this one, and I look forward to seeing what he has to offer, as we did agree that we would move more upmarket to some of their more expensive wines.

15/07/2022 Summer Party 2022 - Hampton Bishop
The Summer Party this year is being hosted by Mary Ann and Colin at their home in Hampton Bishop.

09/06/2022 Value Challenge - By the Committee
Please Note that this meeting has been pushed back a week to the 9th because of the Platinum Jubilee. The committee will be presenting pairs of wines to compare both and Aldi or Lidl wine, against a similar type from a more main stream supplier, such as Majestic or Tanners. All wines will be presented blind, and the challenge will be to see if we can tell the difference. Should be fun.

05/05/2022 In-House Tasting - Pinot Noirs
We thought this would be a good month to do another in-house tasting, and although we have a couple of options available, it would be more likely this will be an exploration of Pinot Noirs. More details to follow.

07/04/2022 Nic Corfe from Go Brazil Wines
Nic is the only sole importer and reseller of small specialist wineries from Brazil. Knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and a very entertaining presenter. Definitely one not to miss.

03/03/2022 Richard Ballantyne MW - Italian Wine Selection
I am extremely please to confirm that Richard who now not only is a Master of Wine, but has a wine business in Cowbridge, South Wales, and will be making a return visit after several years. We last met Richard in November 2015 when he was working for Armit, and was also on his final stage of doing his Master of Wine qualification. His dissertation was on Barolo, so it will come as no surprise that he will be focusing on Italian wines.

03/02/2022 AGM & Committee Tasting
The annual AGM followed by wines selected by the committee.

21/01/2022 Annual Dinner - The Greenman, Fownhope
We are pleased to say that despite changing hands recently, the Greenman are happy to host our Annual Dinner again in 2022. The format etc should be the same, and as soon as I have the menu options, all the necessary paperwork will be sent out to you.

02/12/2021 Wines reflecting the Society's trips abroad.
A selection of wines which will reflect the various vineyards visited from the Society's trips over many years. An in-house tasting by members who were on these trips.

04/11/2021 Iain Phillips - Mentzendorff
Unfortunately a few changes on the presenter front, but I am pleased to say we have Iain back with us for this tasting, and another great selection of wines and ports.

07/10/2021 Emmanuel - Vintage Roots
All being well we will have our first live presenter, and what better choice than Emmanuel from Vintage Roots. Selection details of wines will be updated when I have confirmed these with him.

09/09/2021 Meeting back at The Rowing Club
What a relief it will be to be back in familiar surrounding of the Rowing Club, and we can all meet face to face again. For this particular tasting we will most likely use some of our in house stock of wines, and probably our selection of Beaujolais's. Details will follow on emails when this has be confirmed.

03/12/2020 Presidents Selection 2020
Some of us are hoping that our President, Ian Hine, is not planning any more tricky quizzes for us! After an excellent first President's tasting in 2019, we are looking forward to another interesting selection in 2020.

05/11/2020 Mentzendorff - Michelle Barrie
We have now have a new reginal account manager at Mentzendorff - Michelle Barrie. Michelle joined Mentzendorff from specialist wine and spirit importers and distributor Field, Morris and Verdin. She has our date firmly fixed in her diary, and we look forward to welcoming her to HFWS in November.

01/10/2020 Tom Innes - Fingal-Rock, Monmouth
Rescheduled from April - Tom has been in the wines business probably longer than he cares to remember, having started back in 1987, having had an earlier career in the legal profession. Tom last did a tasting for us in 2013, and his return is long overdue. Having recently had a mention by Victoria Moore in the Telegraph, it galvanised me to give Tom a call. Tom always has a great selection of wines, and I hope you will all look forward to something a bit special.

10/09/2020 TBA
Details will be updated in the near future.

17/07/2020 Summer Party 2020 - Subject to Government Guidelines
This is the provisional date for the 2020 Summer Party. Details of location and theme will follow in due course.

04/06/2020 Cancelled due to CoronaVirus
This meeting is likely to be cancelled, and will be rescheduled later in the year. - The Society has now done 10 tasting trips over the last 20 years, and this is a celebration of wines that have come from wineries visited over that period.

07/05/2020 Cancelled due to CoronaVirus
No details to post.

02/04/2020 Cancelled due to CoronaVirus -( Tom Innes )
This meeting is rescheduled for 1st October

05/03/2020 Frank Smith - Bordeaux
Frank is very kindly going to show us a range of Left Bank Bordeauxs, highlighting the differences and subtleties between the various communes. Definitely one not to miss!

06/02/2020 AGM & Committee Presents!
Following the hopefully brief formal part of the AGM, the Committee will present a range of wines. partly from stock and a few chosen by individual members.

17/01/2020 Annual Dinner 2020
Back at The Greenman, Fownhope.

05/12/2019 Ian Hine - Presidents Personal Selection
As our December tasting has become traditional for the President to present the wines, Ian as the incoming President will no doubt be swotting up and finding something interesting for us all to try.

07/11/2019 Claudia Balestacci - Mentzendorf
After a splendid Port tasting from Joanna last November, I'm hoping Claudia, who is there Italian expert, will select another stunning selection of wines for us to taste.

03/10/2019 Emmanuel Byilingiro - Vintage Roots
Emmanuel has graciously stood in to do this months tasting, having been let down at the last moment by N D John of Swansea. Emmanuel has put together an interesting range, different to what we have tasted before, from their excellent BioDynamic selection from countries all over the world. A meeting that should go down well in our new venue of the Rowing Club.

12/09/2019 David Roles - Bodegas Riojanas
With a vast selection of Spanish wines of all types to suite all budgets, I don't envy David having to make the selection. With a special interest in food matching, this is a welcome return from David, and I for one are looking forward to it.

19/07/2019 Summer Party 2019 - Fownhope
Our new Chairman Mike is no stranger to hosting our Summer Parties with wife Julie, and this year we are grateful to be making a welcome return to their splendid gardens in Fownhope.

06/06/2019 Ben - Majestic Wine, Hereford
With one of the widest selections of wines from a specialist retailer, I am looking forward to Ben choosing some of their star performers. As soon as we have more details I will upload them for your information.

02/05/2019 Brian Joy - American Dreams
Experience the taste of the West Coast of America, with this 10 wine selection from the Wine Society. Designed to show the breath, width and quality coming from this famous wine region.

04/04/2019 Nic Corfe - Go Brazil Wines
Nic has been importing Brazilian Wines for some times, and knows the country and wine regions intimately. With 45-50 wines in his portfolio, there is a great range of grapes and levels of quality. A selection of 10 of their most interesting wines should make a fascinating tasting. One not to miss.

07/03/2019 Hay Wines of Ledbury
The exact selection is still to be decided, but an interesting theme will be chosen for this monthly tasting.

07/02/2019 2019 AGM & Tasting by the Committee
The usual round of formal business to attend to, then a presentation of wines by the Committee.

18/01/2019 Annual Dinner 2019
We do not apologise for re-booking The Greenman at Fownhope for yet another Annual Dinner. Last years dinner and overall package was excellent, and we see no reason why we shouldn't continue with this venue. All your necessary forms and Invitation will be sent to you just after the November meeting.

06/12/2018 Jon Hurley - President's Final Selection
As you know Jon is standing down as President at our next AGM in February, and to go out in a Fleurie, this will be Jon's final annual tasting as President. I'm sure it will be memorable, so put it in your Diaries in plenty of time to remember, and give Jon the acknowledgement he deserves.

01/11/2018 Joanna Delaforce - Mentzendorf - Port and Wines
It is some 6 years since Joanna last came to Hereford to give us a fantastic Port Tasting. Joanna has a great knowledge that she is more than pleased to share with us, and I'm sure it will be another great tasting of Port, Madeira, and other Portuguese Wines.

04/10/2018 John Villar Wines - A Personal Selection
John has been supplying wines to the trade for quite some time, and has built up a thriving business from his base in Yarpole. John is going to put together a personal selection of his favourite wines for us to taste, and hopefully at a sensible cost for us to potentially buy.

13/09/2018 A Hereford Selection and two Peaky Blinders!
Don't forget that our first meeting in September is usually the second Thursday. I am pleased to say that we will be having our first tasting after the summer recess from Brian. It could be construed that two Peaky Blinders are a hark back to his Birmingham roots, but I fear that might not be the case, and it's more likely to be a vague hint of humiliation of guess the wine!! Anyway, I've never known one of Brian's tastings to disappoint, and I'm sure we will all look forward to it. Usual new time of 7.30pm.

20/07/2018 Summer Party 2018 - Aylestone Hill, Hereford
This years Summer Party will be hosted by Ian & Linda Peberdy. With the committee already deciding on an American theme, let's hope the food errs on the side of ranch style, than burgers and dogs! (Christine is working on it) I'm sure the main red won't be Napa Valley either, but I'm sure we will find something equally delicious. More details later in the year.

07/06/2018 Emmanuel Byilingiro - Vintage Roots
One of the leading suppliers of Organic, Biodynamic and Low Sulphur wines. Has a great wine list, so we won't be short of good wines to taste.

03/05/2018 James Richards - Vin Neuf
James runs the well respected and busy Wine Shop in Stratford Upon Avon. James will be bring a selection of his favourite wines which offer great value for money, along with being excellent examples in their own right. His previous visit in 2012 was a great success, and we are long overdue a return.

05/04/2018 In House Tasting of '09 Red & White Bungundys
Mostly sourced from The Wine Society, with a few from Tanners, this tasting will be a Masterclass for anyone wanting to brush up on their knowledge of this formidable region of France.

01/03/2018 Emmanuel Byilingiro - Vintage Roots
Cancelled due to Adverse Weather Conditions. Rescheduled for 7th June.

01/02/2018 2018 AGM and Committee Tasting
Following the usual business of the AGM, the committee will present a selection of wines of their personal choice.

19/01/2018 Annual Dinner 2018
We have now confirmed our booking back with the Greenman in Fownhope, and all the necessary paperwork should be with you.

07/12/2017 2005 Clarets - With the Two Docs & BJ
Brian has put together a venerable collection of 2005 Clarets, and Mike, Rob and Brian will hopefully show us why it was considered one of the better years.

02/11/2017 November Meeting - Mentzendorff, Iain Phillips
Iain has provide many fascinating speakers for us over the years, but this time, he has decided to offer us a tasting with his own selection of wines. More details to follow, but it will be a meander through the many wines and agencies Mentzendorff distribute.

05/10/2017 Clive Witcomb - Berkmann Wine Cellars
With an extensive portfolio of wines, we wont be short of something fascinating to taste. Final decision will be made a couple of months before the meeting, so check back closer to the meeting to see what we've gone for.

14/09/2017 Michele Longari - Hay Wines - Italian Selection
I am pleased to announce that we have Michele Longari of Hay Wines, Ledbury coming to do our tasting on Thursday 14th September. Michele is going to present for us a selection of Italian wines, 10 in total, including a Prosecco, 3 whites, and 6 reds. Something that will suit all tastes and budgets. Don't forget we will be starting at 7.30pm PROMPT!

21/07/2017 Summer Party 2017 - Vineyard Road, Hereford
We have finally had the all clear from the Chairman's wife, so it full steam ahead now for organising this Annual enjoyable event. Watch this space for further details.

04/06/2017 The Society's Wine Trip to the Southern Rhone starts!
Details and booking forms will be sent out to members in due course. However please contact the Secretary if you are interested in going.

01/06/2017 Jon Hurley - "The Mighty Shiraz"
From the elegant Rhone wines to the beefy Australians’. Shiraz or Syrah, Jon is hoping to put together an eclectic selection of older wines and some of the best modern ones we can afford.

04/05/2017 Rude Wines - Australia and Tasmania
Having a relatively new wine company on our doorstep is one thing, but realising that they actually do some decent wines is a bonus. Having seen an interesting article on Tasmanian wines, and then seeing that Rude Wines sell some of these products, then it all fell into place. 10 wines encompassing the best they offer should be quite a night.

06/04/2017 Frank Smith - Wines of the Marche Region of Italy
Frank's mission, whilst he and Clair are based at their holiday villa in this region, is to look for interesting and typical wines. Franks palate and eye for quality should give us some interesting wine to try. Not only that, but I am trying to persuade Frank to let us try his own wine, Chateau Frank!!

02/03/2017 Robert Boutflower, Tanners - Chile vs Spain
Having been to both countries in the last 18 months, this should make a fascinating tasting. With 10 wines ranging from £6.00 to nearly £40 which country will come out on top? Special pricing for members as well. A fascinating one to come to.

02/02/2017 2017 AGM & London Cru Tasting
Following the general business of the AGM - An innovative London winery! Yes London, with the backing of Roberson Wines Australian winemaker Gavin Monery buys in grapes from decent European vineyards, they come over in refrigerated trucks, and the rest of the process is done within a stone’s throw of Earl's Court Exhibition Halls. Seemed really fascinating, so we bought 2 of all their wines and let’s see how they taste. Victoria Moore of the Telegraph thinks they are on to something! and a respectable drink to boot.

01/02/2017 AGM & Committee Presents!
The Committee will be presenting a selection of wines to test, confuse, and hopefully delight.

20/01/2017 Annual Dinner 2017
The date is now confirmed, as is the intention to go back to the Greenman in Fownhope. Please contact the Secretary if you have not received your paperwork.

01/12/2016 Jon Hurley - The Presidents Personal Tasting Selection
That time of the year when we have to hold back the reigns to stop our President blowing all our savings! Despite that, always an interesting and varied selection of nearly top wines.

03/11/2016 Emmanuel Byilingiro - Vintage Roots
Vintage Roots are famous as the Organic Wine People. Organic, Biodynamic, and now low or no Sulphur are a real movement in wine circles. Emmanuel will show us a varied selection of leading wines which extol these virtues.

06/10/2016 Mentzendorff - Langlois-Chateau - Matthieu Barrère
With such an extensive range of great wines from around the world, a welcome return from Mentzendorff. But on this occasion we will be looking at the wines from Langlois-Chateau from the heart of the Loire Valley. Matthieu Barrère will be aiding Iain with this tasting.

08/09/2016 The Wine Society Exhibition Collection - Mike and Rob
The Wine Society commissions wines which are outstanding examples from the world finest vineyards, and sells these under their Exhibition Range. As long standing Wine Society members, Mike and Rob are well placed to show us the range we have selected.

22/07/2016 Summer Party 2016 - Friday July 22nd - Fownhope
Mike and Julie have stepped into the breach, and have gladly offered to host are Summer bash once again. With an Italian theme from Campania, those who didn't make the trip last year can now taste some of the regional wines of this area. More details and paperwork to follow when things have been finalised a tad more.

02/06/2016 Andrew Darwin - Darwin's Fine Wines
Andrew with his incorrigible and enthusiastic style is both entertaining and informative. A welcome return and I for one will look forward to it.

05/05/2016 Chris Davey MD - O W Loeb & Co - "The Young Turks of Burgundy"
Obviously had to be Burgundy influenced, but this London based Fine Wine Merchant has an outstanding pedigree, with plenty of superb wines to choose from. Knowing the cost of good Burgundian wines, Chris will be looking at the lesser known villages which offer sensible prices yet still deliver the quality. Definitely one not to miss.

07/04/2016 Brian Joy - Classics from His Own Selection
Whether it's from his extensive cellar, or something especially bought in for the evening, Brian is always interesting and informative. Possibly a lesson in classic grapes and wines!

03/03/2016 Cabernet Frank !!
Our very own Frank Smith will be taking us through a range of Cabernet Franc dominated wines. Frank is an underestimated source of knowledge when it comes to wines, whatever they may be, but with having a grape virtually named after you, what else could we be tasting. Franks convivial and generous style is always infectious, and we should look forward to both an interesting and informative evening.

04/02/2016 AGM & Can you Spot the Difference
A few changes to sort out at the AGM, then hopefully an interesting challenge by members of the committee. Who will show you pairs of wines, but will you not only be able to tell what they are, but which is the bargain basement, and which one is the real McCoy?

22/01/2016 Annual Dinner 2016
No apologies for going back to the Greenman at Fownhope. If you haven't had your paperwork for this please contact the Secretary ASAP.

03/12/2015 Jon Hurley - Jancis Robinson MW - Classic Wines
I think we sometimes lose sight of some of the great wines the Old World produces, and here is Jon's take on those wines with recommendations from MW Jancis Robinson.

05/11/2015 Armit Wines - Richard Ballantine
Another award winning fine wine merchant for you. It's been a few years since they've been to Hereford, but we look forward to trying some of their great selection of wines again.

01/10/2015 Fells & Co - Carl Rostrup
John E Fells is one of the leading fine wine importers in the UK, and has been voted Importer of the Year at the International Wine and Spirit Competition. Founded in London in 1858 Fells is owned by Symington Family Estates, owners of the renowned Port houses of Cockburn's, Graham’s, Dow and Warre, who together with Miguel Torres, producers of the leading Spanish wines Sangre de Toro and Vina Sol, are long standing shareholders in the company.

17/09/2015 Liberty Wines - Bruce Kendrick
Bruce has stepped in to help us out as I can't get O W Loeb's now until next year. We are doing a comparison of some great Australian wines from some equally well thought of growers. One of these growers was featured in a recent Decanter Magazine article, and Bruce has chosen a selection of others to contrast and compare.

05/09/2015 Until 12th September 2015 The Society's Bi-Annual Trip
This time we are going to Campania in Italy. A different time of year than usual, and hopefully something different to see. Sadly we are oversubscribed already.

17/07/2015 Summer Party 2015 - Aylestone Hill
The summer party is set for Friday July 17th at our Secretary's home on Aylestone Hill. We are having a French themed meal with accompanying wines. Please let the Secretary know if you are coming before June 10th.

04/06/2015 Clive Witcomb - Berkmann Wines
After a chance sighting of their van driving through Hereford, I tracked them down, found out what a great wine list they did, and made contact. Clive has graciously accepted the challenge of giving us a tasting, and I'm now just trying to see how many Joseph Phelps Napa Cabernet's I can squeeze in with our budget.

07/05/2015 Alex Hale - Mentzendorff
Set up by Iain, our local rep, Alex is their New World Brand manager. It will be hard deciding what not to have.

02/04/2015 Michele Longari (BDM) - Hay Wines, Ledbury -Emerging Countries
We have decided that an interesting topic would be Emerging Countries. Although wine has come from many of these countries we will be looking at, what should be now apparent, is the vast improvement of quality we should be seeing, where in the past we often thought of them as cheap country wines of no distinction. I know Michele likes his PowerPoint, so it will be interesting to see how that goes. A selection of 10 very affordable and diverse wines.

05/03/2015 Phil Barnet - Les Cave de Pyrene
Becoming a bit of a regular is our Phil! But they do have a vast selection of very good wines, and I'm trying to get through them all!!!

05/02/2015 AGM & 2009 Clarets
Should be a straight forward AGM, and followed by the first (and probably last)tasting of the Society's 2009 Clarets.

16/01/2015 Annual Dinner 2015
Back at the Greenman in Fownhope again, but for very good reason. We've got a new selection of interesting menu items to choose from, and I'm sure there will be equally great wines. Paperwork will be heading out by the end of November.

04/12/2014 Ben Drury - Alpine Wines - Switzerland
If you ever fancied tasting wines that you would not normally expect to see in the UK, then this is the tasting not to miss. Swiss wines in the UK are as rare as hens teeth, so we are lucky to get the chance to taste some of their classic grapes, in different styles, thanks to a small specialist importer Alpine Wines. Don't expect them to be cheap, but they are affordable, certainly worth a try, and possibly a small punt! Definitely one to attend.

06/11/2014 Jon Hurley - The Secret Cellar
Change of program. Jon is doing his tasting in November now, and the Swiss Wines will be in December. Jon was hoping to get these guys along, but unfortunately we are not able to do this, but Jon has decided to chose a selection of their wines and present them himself. The Secret Cellar offer top quality hand crafted wines from premium and boutique producers around the world, many of whom they know personally. With over 800 wines to chose from, Jon certainly has his work cut out narrowing down that selection to our customary 9 wines.

02/10/2014 Robert Boutflower - Tanners - Portugal
At long last we have persuaded Tanners to come and give us a tasting. Robert is their Private House Sales Director, and I am very pleased that he has agreed to come, and even more so that he intends to show us some of their Portuguese selection, something that Tanners are gaining an enviable reputation for.

11/09/2014 Brian Joy - Fine, Rare and Rustic: Wines from my Cellar - Chapter 3
The third time Brian has presented a selection of wines from his own cellar. All the wines are from the 'old world' and included will be some of the great wine names known to all wine lovers; but be prepared for one or two wines with more humble origins.

12/07/2014 Summer Party 2014
This is the provisional date for the Summer Party this year which will also be the main celebration for the 25th Anniversary of the Society. We are still looking at the venue options, and hoped to confirm this soon.

01/06/2014 Dave Roles - Bodegas Riojanas
Dave is the Business Development Manager for this Bodegas, for not only the UK, but Ireland, Denmark, Scandinavia and Baltic States. The Bodegas was founded in 1890, and has many great wines to it's Name. Bodegas Riojanas treasures more than a century of winemaking tradition in its Cenicero winery. Its corners are steeped in history and talk of the passion for ageing wines that has always permeated it. This tradition and passion have been transmitted to the team that runs Bodegas Riojanas today. Its most precious legacy is its commitment to quality and the personality of its wines.

01/05/2014 Nikki Jarrett - Bennetts Fine Wines
Nikki does the outside tastings for Sheldon's Wine Cellars, the trading name of Bennetts Fine Wines. Apparently they did us an excellent tasting may years ago, so it will be interesting to see what they now have on offer.

03/04/2014 Andrew Darwin Fine Wines
Andrew Darwin Fine Wines, all the way from Kington, Andrew aims to offer interesting, high quality, and competitively priced wines, which he claims won’t be found easily elsewhere. Having supplied both trade and private customers for over 30 years, he feels he must be doing something right. He personally selects his own wines, often as a result of buying trips around Europe and elsewhere. With Andrews’s forthright style, it should prove to be an interesting evening.

06/03/2014 Arfon - Majestic's Classic Wines
I've tried several times to get someone from Majestic to give us a tasting over the years, but alas, the staff do move through the stores at alarming speed. Arfon, on the other hand has been managing Hereford for a while, and I'm pleased to say has welcomed the opportunity to show us some of their Classic and big-hitting wines.

06/02/2014 AGM & Committee Presents...
Alongside the usual business of the AGM, the committee have been tasked with finding for you, either their favourite, or an interesting wine which we hope you will like. A veritable selection I'm sure!

17/01/2014 Annual Dinner 2014
Here is the date for the next Annual Dinner on Friday 17th January 2014. We are back at the Greenman in Fownhope, and expect another excellent evening. The booking for this is now closed, but you can try the Secretary to see if there are any spare spaces.

05/12/2013 John Hurley - The Rhone!
Jon seems to have an infinity for Berry Brothers, probably London's most famous and biggest wine merchant, and when they recently won the International Wine Challenge Rhone Specialist Merchant of the year 2013, you can probably guess his next train of thought. With a selection of whites and reds, and some of the top producers from the Rhone Valley, Jon's tastings never disappoint.

07/11/2013 Paddy Shave - Wine Auction Confessions
Not only does Paddy run the Hop Pocket Wine Company, with its eclectic mix of wines, spirits, beers and ciders, but for many years Paddy has been instrumental at putting together the Brightwells Wine Auctions. I'm sure there will be plenty of tales to tell, and hopefully some decent wine to taste to help take it all in. There will be another opportunity to purchase the wines at a discount, possibly a good chance to stock up for Christmas!

03/10/2013 Mentzendorff - Roda & La Hora Wines
I make no apology for yet another return of Mentzendorff. Organised by Iain Phillips, but unfortunately not able to attend because he is presenting some Ports to the SAS, we have the UK representative of the famous wineries. Some of these wines aren't cheap, so a great chance to try something you might not usually buy.

12/09/2013 Brian Joy-Wine Tourist!
Apart from helping to make the Society's Bordeaux trip a success, Brian spent several days both before and after the trip visiting wineries to select wines for this presentation. I suspect the usual eclectic mix that Brian noses out. And don't forget this will be the 2nd Thursday of September.

26/07/2013 Summer Party 2013
Confirmed date for the 2013 Summer Party, and Colin Campbell and Mary-Ann Robinson have offered to host at their delightful home in Hapmton Bishop. Members will have had their email about this, please remember the deadline for replies is Friday 12th July. Email the Hon. Sec. for your invitation if it has gone astray.

06/06/2013 The Riesling Challenge!
Taking the Riesling grapes from the same block of land in New Zealand, then giving these to 12 different wine makers, and told just to make a wine that reflected the quality of the grapes. Would they all taste the same? Not a chance of it. Here is your only opportunity to taste what actually happened. Probably a tasting you will never experience again.

02/05/2013 Phil Barnet - Les Cave de Pyrene
I've persuaded Phil to do a return visit, and show us some more of his Natural Wines! Slightly controversial in some quarters, but we had some interesting wines last time, and I see they continue to win awards for lots of their wines.

04/04/2013 Tom Innes - Fingal Rock
A welcome return by Tom, all the way from Monmouth! Tom has a reputation for unearthing interesting wines from small growers. We can look forward to some surprising wines.

07/03/2013 Armit Wines
Postponed from 2012, we will have the porsonal favourite wines of the Presenter from the well respected Armit Wine of London.The Company since 2008 is 75% owned by the Baarsma Wine Group, a Netherlands based specialist multi channel wine distributor. Established some 30 years ago in the Netherlands, BWGH has evolved into one of the main players in the European wine market, with a turnover of more than 250 million Euros.

07/02/2013 AGM & Committee and Members Selection
After the formal business of the AGM, we will have hopefully a selection of favourite wines from the Committee and Members.

18/01/2013 Annual Dinner - The Greenman
After an excellent dinner last time, we have decided to go there again. Your booking form will be sent to you during the second half of November.

06/12/2012 Jon Hurley - Ridge Wines
The Society already has a few wines maturing in my cellar,(I hope they are still there), so Jon will be scouring all his favourite suppliers to see what else he can find from this well respected Wine maker, whose origins go back to 1885, and now have 11 vineyards in their portfolio.

01/11/2012 Mentzendorff - Port and Wines from it's grapes.
With household names such as Taylors, Fonseca, and Croft, Iain Phillips and Joanna Delaforce, certainly wont be short of product for us to taste. Lets hope there's still plenty in the bank for this tasting.

04/10/2012 Brian Joy - Cellar Selection
With over 1,000 bottles to choose from, I'm sure Brian will put together an eclectic collection of some of his favourite wines.

13/09/2012 John Villar Wines - Winemaking is the new Rock and Roll
Many of you will know John, as he has been around the local wine trade for quite some time. John has put together some of the most exciting winemakers from Maclaren Vale Australia, and Washington State USA. Exciting and exclusive in their own right, we will compare and contrast the wine styles from these different countries, and the young and enthusiastic winemakers that are gaining a tremendous reputation for themselves. An evening not to be missed.

23/06/2012 Summer Party - 23rd June 2012
This years Summer Party is being held at the home of our Chairman Mike, and his wife Julie in Fownhope. We are using the year of the Olympics as our theme, and will be serving Greek food and wine. Traditional Greek dress - chiton (the same as a toga) is optional!!Please contact the Secretary for further details.

07/06/2012 Mark Savage MW - The Savage Selection
A welcome return to Hereford, Mark is a recognised and respected master in his field. With one of the best noses in the industry, Mark will certainly have some interesting wines for us to taste, and I'm sure we will learn a thing or two as well.

03/05/2012 Pol Roger - Wine Selection
Nick James MD of Pol Roger UK, will be sharing with us the delights of their portfolio, with wines from Chile, France, Hnugary and Italy.

05/04/2012 Vin Neuf - James Richard
James is an Independent wine merchant from Stratford, and one of the younger generation forging a living from this difficult industry. If his wines are as good as his enthusiasm, we should be in for a fascinating night.

01/03/2012 Liberty Wines - Italy
Bruce is back, and more insights into his vast experiences of the wine trade and its personalities. We will be focusing mostly on Northern Italy, and seeing how many Barolos we can persuade Ken to treat us to.

02/02/2012 AGM & Call My (wine) Bluff
Decisions, decisions, decisions! well hopefully not too many, but swiftly followed by a bit of light wine relief, with an adaption of the old series "Call my Bluff" for wine lovers.

20/01/2012 Annual Dinner - The Greenman
The 2012 Annual Dinner will be at The Greenman in Fownhope. All details have been emailed out, or put in the post for the non-computer members. If for any reason you have not received your invitation, please contact the Secretary.

01/12/2011 Jon Hurley - Super Tuscans
He's not super, and he's definitely not a Tuscan, but the Irish eye in Jon, has a canny way of winkling out some unusual and interesting wines. Don't expect there to be anything cheap here, lets hope we can afford it!!

03/11/2011 Patrick Mallison - Bibendum Wines
Bibendum is one the UK's biggest wine companies. The Bibendum idea is still basically the same as it was in 1982: the wine trade is complicated and it doesn't need to be. We'd like to be simply the most accessible, relevant and captivating wine company in the business. Easy! What wines we have are yet to be decided, but there is a huge choice!

06/10/2011 Brian Joy - French '09s - Was it just Bordeaux ?
Brian is a constant visitor to the vineyards of France, and will have recently come back from his latest venture. He will no doubt have a boot full of interesting 2009 wines which he aims to share with us, and will show us that it was not all about Bordeaux!

08/09/2011 Phil Barnett of Les Caves de Pyrene
Putting out mission statements tends to erode credibility, but, as the song goes, we want to accentuate the positives and eliminate the negatives in our list. Those positives that we aim to promote are: wines of terroir and typicity; delicious, tasty, unmediated wines; diversity of style and indigenous grape varieties; the endeavours of small independent growers; and the importance of sustainable, organic viticulture. We work from the point of view of understanding the wine by trying to understand the country, the region, the microclimate, the vineyard and the grower. Every wine tells a story and that story deserves to be told.

15/07/2011 Summer Party
Our Annual Summer Party will have a Spanish Theme, and will be back in Vineyard Road at Rob and Deralyn's home.Please contact the Secretary for details.

02/06/2011 Mike Cohn - 2000 Clarets
Mike has a vast collection of many types of wines, but feels it is time to start tasting his varied collection of Clarets from 2000. The Reds scored highly with most of the experts, especially those from Medoc & Graves.

05/05/2011 Tim Calcroft of Concha y Toro UK
With 6 vineyards dotted around Chile, and supplying wines to 130 countries, Concha y Toro's vision is to become one of the worlds most important wine brands. You obviously can't aim that high without making top quality wines. Tim's objective is to show us the breadth of wines in the Concha y Toro range, and why they think they can strive for these formidable aims.

07/04/2011 Rory Benham - Napa Valley Wines
Rory of The Wine Treasury, is a small but perfectly formed specialist wine importer which represents forty or so quality driven and charismatic wine producers from around the world. They have some great Napa wines, so it seemed sensible to start here.

03/03/2011 Paddy Shave - Chateau Musar of The Lebanon
It has long been know that Lebanese wines are synonymous with Chateau Musar. Paddy is bringing along the Chateau Musar UK representative, with a selection of wines which will surprise and delight. Look forward to some block buster wines which are no longer available to the market!

03/02/2011 AGM & Committee's Selection
Apart from the formal business of the AGM, the wines for the evenings tasting will be selected and presented by members of the Committee !!

14/01/2011 Annual Dinner - Black Tie
The Society Annual Dinner in 2011 will be held on Friday January 14th. We have again decided to move venue to the Orles Barn Restaurant, on the Wilton Roundabout, just on the Hereford side of Ross, which I am sure most of you will know. The evening includes a Sparkling Reception with canapés, a four course meal with fine wines and tea or coffee to finish. There is a fine choice of menu options, so hopefully something to suit everyone.

02/12/2010 Jon Hurley - Berry Bros & Rudd
Berry Bros. & Rudd is Britain's oldest wine and spirit merchant, having traded from the same shop for over 300 years. Similar to Jon's tasting in 2008 with Harrod's wines, Jon will be selecting an interesting mix of their affordable quality wines for us to taste.

04/11/2010 Mentzendorff & Co
Mentzendorff remains one of the very few remaining "full service" agency houses offering its Principals quality distribution in all channels of the UK market. We are delighted to have a representaitve from this company, who's tradition and reputation goes back to 1850. The intention for their tasting will be the wines of Chapoutier.

07/10/2010 Bruce Kendrick - Liberty Wines
Award winning Liberty Wines were instrumental in helping us find the right wineries to visit on our Verona trip in 2009. Bruce's idea is to show you how Australia does not have to be the big and blousy styles we were used to. Indeed he would suggest that Australia just has to move up a notch to the more food-friendly styles otherwise it’s market will continue to erode.

09/09/2010 Jonathan Lane - Older Red Bordeaux
Another visit from Jon, who would have entertained and informed us in the past, with 8 interesting Clarets, ranging from 1982 onwards, with the emphasis on comparing aging charateristics.

23/07/2010 Summer Party
This year the annual summer party will be at our Chairman’s home in Fownhope. We have decided on a French theme, and all food and wine will be included in the cost. More details to follow as I have them.

03/06/2010 Floyd Mills of Hay Wines
Floyd, whose enthusiastic style will be familiar to most members, is planning on showing us their Italian range, which I am reliably informed, is tasting incredibly well at the moment.

06/05/2010 Brian & Jon - "The Seasoned Casks"
Jon and Brian have got together to trawl the depths of their respective cellars to come up with a formidable selection for us to taste. Mostly French, but with some additional great European classics. A few will be tatsed blind (no prizes please Brian!)to test our "wine memories". This promises to be another great evening.

01/04/2010 Richard Milson - Chardonnay
A welcome return for our young local wine expert, Richard Milson, who will be presenting an eclectic mix of Chardonnay from around the world.

04/03/2010 The wines of the Sierras de Málaga
Presented by Chris Rowland, who will be making the trip to us from the Ronda in the mountains of the Malaga province, Spain. Chris says; "as for the wines of the Sierras de Malaga, this is my first venture into the business. I have great faith in the quality of the wine and even more in the attitude of the winemakers here who are so passionate about what they do and brimming with confidence about the future that this terroir holds for them."

04/02/2010 AGM & Decanter Magazine Medal Winners 2009 by Brian Joy
Shortly after Decanter Magazine anounced the medal winning wines from over 10,000 submitted for tasting in 2009; Brian was scanning the shelves of Hereford retail outlets to get hold the some of the most highly praised winning wines. He has put together a fine eclectic mix which we will be tasting immediately following the AGM. One not to be missed.

15/01/2010 Annual Dinner
In 2010 we are holding this event at the Pengethley Manor Hotel, near Ross. With an excellent choice of menu options, and hopefully carefully selected fine wines to match, it promises to be an event to remember. If you want to take it one step further, and not worry about rushing home in the cold, the Hotel is offering a special rate for members who want to stop over.

03/12/2009 Bill Gunn – Pol Roger Champagne
What a way to start the festive season! Bill, a Master of Wine who is still a director of one of the leading Champagne Houses, has promised us a tasting of the Pol Roger Champagnes. Not to be missed.

05/11/2009 Jon Hurley – 1989 Wines
Happy Birthday everyone! Did you realise the Society is 20 years old this year? Well to celebrate this achievement our own Jon Hurley will be raiding everyone’s cellars to find the wines of 1989. So watch out he will be round. Let Jon know if you have any you are prepared to supply. (He has been to Ledbury already!)

01/10/2009 Mike Cohn - 2002 Burgundies
From a Classic region and excellent year (Berry Bros. reckon it is the best for 25 years), Mike will presents this gloriously tricky grape, "The Pinot Noir" to the Society.

03/09/2009 Tom Innes – Tom’s Travels
An old friend of the Society, Tom heads off to France each year on a buying trip. He'll be visiting some producers who are new to him, and will be bringing back the very best of his finds. So join him and share his discoveries.

10/07/2009 Summer Event
Friday 10th July - Summer Event We will be holding our Annual Summer Event at the home and beautiful garden of Rob and Deralyn Smith on Vineyard Road. We have decided to give the evening an Italian theme, and the delicious food will reflect this. We have tried to keep the cost at a reasonable level again, so the evening, including a glass of Prosecco on arrival, will only cost £20 per head. We will leave it up to you to carefully select and bring your own wines, and trust you will find something appropriate to follow our Italian theme. This event will be open to members and guests, but could you please let me know ASAP your intentions. I will be collecting money at the next meeting on the 4th, otherwise you can post cheques to me at 25, Aylestone Hill, Hereford , HR1 1HR, payable to HFWS. The cut off date for this event will be the end of June.

04/06/2009 Simon Day – The Taste of Wine
Another new presenter for us. Viticulture and Winemaking are in Simon’s blood as he grew up at Three Choirs Vineyard, getting involved in the vineyard and winery from a very early age. After travelling the world gaining experience in winemaking, Simon decided to continue his late father’s consultancy business and is advisor to over 100 growers and winemakers in the UK and abroad. (Incidentally if you have tried the excellent ciders from “Once Upon A Tree” Simon is also involved there, using the best winemaking traditions.) Tonight Simon is going to give us a brief introduction to the flavours found in wine and what can influence them. A little different for us, but you can be sure of an excellent presentation and some very well-flavoured wines!

07/05/2009 Jon Hurley –.2005 Clarets
“Extraordinary”, “legendary” and “best-ever” are some of the adjectives you will have seen used by the pundits to describe the 2005 vintage in Bordeaux. You may know that the Society invested in some wines en primeur from this astonishing vintage and Jon thinks we should now be trying them. So come and taste some of the wines from what has been called the finest vintage for many decades. This really promises to be a superb tasting run in Jon’s inimitable style.

02/04/2009 Worcester Wine Company – South West France
A new presenter for us, Nick Baxter, a former Worcester Rugby Club player, is the owner of the Worcester Wine Company. After over 10 years in the industry, he decided to create a wine company that only sells wines that have pedigree, character, elegance and individuality. Nick’s passion for wine is infectious so come and enjoy a trip round SW France with him. You will have a great time.

05/03/2009 Committee Selection of Fine Wines
If you haven't already heard, we have been let down by Majestic (again), so we have opted to go with a Committee selection of Fine wines from local retailers. I trust you will be pleasantly surprised by the choice, and look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening at 8pm.

12/02/2009 AGM – Brian Joy - Are We There Yet?
Weather permitting, we have had to move the AGM to Thursday 12th Feb. Do, please, try to attend the AGM, where you have the opportunity to influence how your Society is run. To help the formalities go down, Brian will be showing …. sorry he won’t tell me more than the title so you will have to wait and find out on the night. You can expect the usual mix of information and humour so come along and enjoy yourself while doing your bit to make your Society run smoothly.

16/01/2009 Annual Dinner
Once again our year is starting at Lyde Arundel, this time with their own caterers. Should be a good occasion.

04/12/2008 Jon Hurley on Harrod’s Wine
Following afew adjustments Jon is now our Christmas presenter. What can I say – Jon & Harrods! Will he be showing the Menswear as well as the wine? Come and find out as our President does his annual presentation.

06/11/2008 Robin Jones of Croque-en-Bouche Wines on Walnut Tree Wines
Many of you will remember Robin ran his Croque-en-Bouche restaurant in Malvern. Now he has sold the restaurant, but is still in the wine trade. He is providing the wines for the re-opened Walnut Tree near Abergavenny which will have Shaun Hill at the helm. Unusual & quirky according to Robin. Should be a great evening.

02/10/2008 Richard Milsom of Ledbury Wine Cellar on Red Burgundy
Richards’s presentation on white burgundy was one of the stars in 2007. He is back by popular request to show the red wines from his favourite area.

04/09/2008 Virginia Jones of Tanners on Port & Madeira
A great way to start the second half Programme. We all know Tanners and love their wines. A little different this year as we taste their Ports and Madeiras. Choose your Christmas treat early this year.

05/06/2008 Floys Mills on Sparkling Wines
Sadly Judith was unable to do her tasting on American wines, but Floyd - lovely, helpful man that he is - has agreed to step in and is doing a Sparkling tasting for us. Fizz from round the world in time for those summer parties.

01/05/2008 Averys on Italian Wines
Our planned speaker, Brendon Chandler, finds he cannot make it, but retail manager Sam Stephens of the Avery's team will be along to show some of their excellent range of Italian wines. Come along and perhaps taste some of the wines we may be looking at in Italy next year.

03/04/2008 Brian Joy on Cellar Favourites
Sadly Judith Whittaker has just told me she cannot do the tasting on American wines this month. However a little swapping around has ocurred and Brian has kindly agreed to move his tasting forward.. No introduction needed. Always entertaining and informative, Brian this year is presenting some of his favourites from his own cellar.

06/03/2008 Chris Rogers on “Chris’s Choice”
Chris runs Falernian Wines down in Cardiff, but many of you will remember him from his Hereford days in Tanners. He is always a popular presenter and this time he has decided to show you this personal favourites from his excellent portfolio.

07/02/2008 AGM/ Rob Smith on Rhone wines
As usual the formalities of the AGM will be followed by a Members presentation. This year Rob has kindly agreed to show us some of his collection of Rhone wines. The Chairman might like his Spanish, but give me Rhone and I am one very happy lady. A lovely way to start the tasting calendar.

19/01/2008 Annual Dinner
This popular event is again to be held at. Lyde Arundel. The venue was much enjoyed last year but we have new caterers this year. Hopefully it will be even better. Invitations have been sent out. If you haven't received one contact David Harling or Sue Wood (you can use the contacts page on this web site).

06/12/2007 Chile - Charlie Sanderson
Many of you will recall Charlie’s excellent presentations on Chilean wines over the years. He is coming back to show us his latest finds from his favourite country.

01/11/2007 Jon Hurley on Merlot
Tonight we will have the tasting originally planned for June, when Jon will be be exploring the range of wines produced by the classic grape. No further comment needed – you know Jon and his presentations so will know you will have a great evening. Our President has his own inimitable style!

04/10/2007 Old World vs New World - Paddy Shave
Some of you may have met Paddy from the Hop Pocket Wine Company at the Leominster Wine Auction preview last month. The comparison of New World and Old World wines is a constant subject of discussion and I am sure we shall all want to air our views on the topic during this presentation.

06/09/2007 Spain - Giles Goodhew
Giles bought The Wellington Inn, Chance's Pitch earlier this year. He has expert knowledge of fine wines and quality food - his restaurant Dene Farm was due to be awarded a Michelin Star before he sold it. His main love is Spanish wine so it is not surprising that he was found pretty quickly by our Chairman who has persuaded him to show us some of his selection

22/06/2007 Summer Event
We are planning to hold a Charity Event this year in a marquee in the ground of Mike Cohn’s home in Fownhope. Details to follow.

07/06/2007 Magnum Force III
Maverick presenter Brian Joy provides the sequel to his earlier performance in Magnum Force. In the first sequel his place was taken by Jon Hurley, but now Brian is back in fine form, corks popping, to show us just what he can do! Note this is a change to the advertised programme.

03/05/2007 Does alcohol really matter? - Robert Boutflower
Robert is a Director of Tanners and in their buying team. He says “I get asked all the time - what's the alcoholic strength of this? Not, in my opinion a question that should be asked any more, but whether wines are balanced or not” . So we are looking at looking at balanced and unbalanced wines – a new and interesting theme for us.

05/04/2007 Burgundy - Richard Milsom
After 10 years in the wine business Richard Milsom recently started this new venture based in Newent. He spent some time based in Beaune and so is well placed to give us an excellent tasting of the wines from the area. For those of us going to Burgundy in May this will be a great precursor

01/03/2007 Austria - Mark Savage
Mark Savage has been a Master of Wine since 1980. He owns Savage Selection, a wine merchant and shipper with a shop in Northleach dealing with small family vineyards producing high quality, interesting wines. Austria is not a region most of us are familiar with (except perhaps for their wonderful sweeties) so this tasting promises us something different and an opportunity to taste wines we would not normally see.

01/02/2007 AGM +The Good and the Bad
After the formalities of the AGM, BJ will present you with another of his Specials. This time he will be taking various properties and showing a wine from a good vintage and a wine from an adjacent poor vintage. Not a standard vertical tasting but one designed to show the impact of variables such as climate.

20/01/2007 Annual Dinner
The first meeting of 2007 will, as usual, be our Annual Dinner. This will be held on Saturday 20th January at Lyde Arundel. This is an excellent venue for the society located on the edge of the city with easy access and plenty of parking space. The dinner will be held in a beautifully restored barn with a minstral gallery and open log fire. Hope you have booked.

07/12/2006 James Samson of Pol Roger
James has visited us before, and is another you may also have met at one of the Mills-Whitcombe tastings. He has decided to show wines from Navarra and Rioja as the Company has recently taken on Bodegas Ochoa from Navarra and Bodega Miguel Merino from Rioja... both super estates. The last presenter of the year, and having been to a tasting by him recently, I am sure it will end the year in great style.

02/11/2006 Brian Peacock of Ten Acre Wines
Another new presenter for us, Brian is known to Colin Campbell who has kindly recruited his services. His wines were used at our Summer Party, which had an Italian theme but he is leaving his options open for this tasting so he can choose from amongst his best wines available at the time. Please come and show Brian what a friendly and appreciative Society we are.

05/10/2006 Judith Whittaker - South Africa
Some of you may have met Judith at one of the Mills-Whitcombe tastings. It is her first visit to the Society and she will be presenting South African wines. She is hoping to bring Piet Dreyer from RAKA to present his wines, which will be a great opportunity for us to meet a producer from this fascinating country. I hope as many of you as possible will come to welcome them to Hereford.

07/09/2006 Brian Joy - The Judgement of Hereford
As BJ will not have had his French trip by early September he has come up with an interesting alternative. We have just had the 30th anniversary of the famous wine tasting, the "Judgement of Paris", which sent shockwaves through the wine world when nine French wine experts declared through a blind tasting that wines from California were as good as, or better than, the best of the wines from French vineyards. Now it is Hereford's turn to compare French wines with comparable products from other parts of the winemaking world. Brian's presentations are always very enjoyable experience and this bids fair to be no exception.
[ Summary ]